Waves may leap,
But the heart of the ocean
Is calm and deep.
Though change of seasons
Bring change of scene,
The hills and the mountains
Stand serene.
The heart that trusts
In the power of prayer
Is the heart that finds
God everywhere.
Though the waters rise
And the winds increase,
The heart that trusts
Is a heart at ease.
There is power in Silence and yes "SILENCE" is the perfect gift you can give to yourself and to all those whom you care.
Silence is beautiful, but we never recognized it.
It is gorgeous but we never really paid any attention to it.
It is serene but we never got hooked on to it.
There is something special about silence.
We can never figure out why silence is so powerful.
In the short journey of life, understand that silence stood for Truth. It does not reveal the truth. It does not force you to do anything. It simply enters into You if you give it space. It is not too much bothered about position, it goes and settles down in one corner within you and begins its work. It asks you questions and helps you answer those questions. You do not have to do anything, literally nothing.
by Vish Writer < >