Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Robin's 73 Best Business and Success Lessons

Robin Sharma is the bestselling author of "The Leader Who Had No Title:

# You can really Lead Without a Title.

# Knowing what to do and not doing it is the same as not knowing what to do.

# Give away what you most wish to receive.

# The antidote to stagnation is innovation.

# The conversations you are most resisting are the conversations you most need to be having.

# Leadership is no longer about position - but passion. It's no longer about image but impact. This is Leadership 2.0.

# The bigger the dream, the more important to the team.

# Visionaries see the "impossible" as the inevitable.

# All great thinkers are initially ridiculed - and eventually revered.

# The more you worry about being applauded by others and making money, the less you'll focus on doing the great work that will generate applause. And make you money.

# To double your net worth, double your self-worth. Because you will never exceed the height of your self-image.

# The more messes you allow into your life, the more messes will become a normal (and acceptable) part of your life.

# The secret to genius is not genetics but daily practice married with relentless perseverance.

# The best leaders lift people up versus tear people down.

# The most precious resource for businesspeople is not their time. It's their energy. Manage it well.

# The fears you run from run to you.

# The most dangerous place is in your safety zone.

# The more you go to your limits, the more your limits will expand.

# Every moment in front of a customer is a gorgeous opportunity to live your values.

# Be so good at what you do that no one else in the world can do what you do.

# You'll never go wrong in doing what is right.

# It generally takes about 10 years to become an overnight sensation.

# Never leave the site of a strong idea without doing something to execute around it.

# A strong foundation at home sets you up for a strong foundation at work.

# Never miss a moment to encourage someone you work with.

# Saying "I'll try" really means "I'm not really committed."

# The secret of passion is purpose.

# Do a few things at mastery versus many things at mediocrity.

# To have the rewards that very few have, do the things that very few people are willing to do.

# Go where no one's gone and leave a trail of excellence behind you.

# Who you are becoming is more important than what you are accumulating.

# Accept your teammates for what they are and inspire them to become all they can be.

# To triple the growth of your organization, triple the growth of your people.

# The best leaders are the most dedicated learners. Read great books daily. Investing in your self-development is the best investment you will ever make.

# Other people's opinions of you are none of your business.

# Change is hardest at the beginning, messiest in the middle and best at the end.

# Measure your success by your inner scorecard versus an outer one.

# Understand the acute difference between the cost of something and the value of something.

# Nothing fails like success. Because when you are at the top, it's so easy to stop doing the very things that brought you to the top.

# The best leaders blend courage with compassion.

# The less you are like others, the less others will like you.

# You'll never go wrong in doing what's right.

# Excellence in one area is the beginning of excellence in every area.

# The real reward for doing your best work is not the money you make but the leader you become.

# Passion + production = performance.

# The value of getting to your goals lives not in reaching the goal but what the talents/strengths/capabilities the journey reveals to you.

# Stand for something. Or else you'll fall for anything.

# Say "thank you" when you're grateful and "sorry" when you're wrong.

# Make the work you are doing today better than the work you did yesterday.

# Small daily - seemingly insignificant - improvements and innovations lead to staggering achievements over time.

# Peak performers replace depletion with inspiration on a daily basis.

# Take care of your relationships and the sales/money will take care of itself.

# You can't be great if you don't feel great. Make exceptional health your #1 priority.

# Doing the difficult things that you've never done awakens the talents you never knew you had.

# As we each express our natural genius, we all elevate our world.

# Your daily schedule reflects your deepest values.

# People do business with people who make them feel special.

# All things being equal, the primary competitive advantage of your business will be your ability to grow Leaders Without Titles faster than your industry peers.

# Treat people well on your way up and they'll treat you well on your way down.

# Success lies in a masterful consistency around a few fundamentals. It really is simple. Not easy. But simple.

# The business (and person) who tries to be everything to everyone ends up being nothing to anyone.

# One of the primary tactics for enduring winning is daily learning.

# To have everything you want, help as many people as you can possibly find get everything they want.

# Understand that a problem is only a problem if you choose to view it as a problem (vs. an opportunity).

# Clarity precedes mastery. Craft clear and precise plans/goals/deliverables. And then block out all else.

# The best in business spend far more time on learning than in leisure.

# Lucky is where skill meets persistence.

# The best Leaders Without a Title use their heads and listen to their hearts.

# The things that are hardest to do are often the things that are the best to do.

# Every single person in the world could be a genius at something, if they practiced it daily for at least ten years (as confirmed by the research of Anders Ericsson and others).

# Daily exercise is an insurance policy against future illness. The best Leaders Without Titles are the fittest.

# Education is the beginning of transformation. Dedicate yourself to daily learning via books/audios/seminars and coaching.

# The quickest way to grow the sales of your business is to grow your people.


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